1. Document receipt
KYC/KYB documents sent by API are received by the HiPay teams in charge of their validation and account identification.
2. Document verification
2.1. Professional or association accounts
Upon creating a professional account, in addition to personal information of the legal representative, the seller’s professional information must be provided.
Therefore, it is important to create the HiPay Marketplace seller account in the name of the legal representative of the company or association. The address provided for the HiPay account must also match with the address of the head office.
In the case of KYC/KYB documents for a professional or association account, the following information is checked:
Name of the legal representative → information checked against the sent identification document,
Professional information → information checked against the sent document certifying the legal existence of the company (certificate of incorporation, etc.),
Articles of association, allocation of shares, association’s or company’s corporate purpose, etc. → information checked against the sent association’s statutes or company’s articles of association.
2.2. Individual accounts
Upon creating an individual account, the seller’s personal information must be provided:
full name, address and date of birth.
In the case of KYC/KYB documents for an individual account, the following information is checked:
Name and date of birth → information checked against the sent identification document,
Address → information checked against the sent proof of address.
3. Document validation and account identification
Account identification is automatic once the information from all the sent documents matches with the data entered for the account.
Validating all the documents enables the account to reach the “identified” status.
In case of an account being identified
When an account is identified, you receive a server-to-server notification directly on the notification URL you sent by email to our Support team.
If you partnered with a marketplace managing platform, they will also receive a server-to-server notification.
4. Document validation timeframe
It takes up to three business days to validate documents for account identification purposes.
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