If your payment is refused when you try to pay through HiPay, please validate the following information:
- Are you using the same email address as last time?
- A credit card can be linked to only one email address. Therefore, if you changed your email address, please contact us here to delete the link between this card and your old email address. - Did you reach your card limit?
- Is your card type accepted by HiPay?
If you encounter a problem or require more information about the product or service purchased, please contact the merchant or site owner directly.
In order to receive a refund, please contact the merchant or site owner directly.
We remind you that any dispute regarding a commercial transaction should be settled friendly and directly between the buyer and the merchant.
HiPay is only a solution for enabling a payment facility.
The merchant must satisfy the buyer.
We remain at your disposal for further questions.
Best regards,
HiPay Customer Care
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