Search tips can be used both in the quick search field and in the advanced search form fields.
Search for an exact phrase
To search for an exact phrase in a specific order, place quotation marks around search terms (e.g. : "terms of your choice"). Keep in mind that this kind of search can potentially leave out relevant results.
Resources containing the terms J.K. Doe will not be taken into account.
Replace one or several characters in your query
The "?" and "*" wildcards replace the beginning, the middle or the end of a word you are looking for.
"?" replaces only 1 character whereas "*" replaces and adds a series of characters (0 or more). They can be put anywhere in the word (e.g. : "Ta*k" returns "talk").
The search returns "hen", "hem", "her", "hew", etc.
Please note that this tip only works for text type fields ("order number" included). This means that it cannot be used for numerical fields (such as the transaction ID for example).
The search returns "her", "here", "help", "helicopter", etc.
Ignore uppercase/lowercase letters
The search function is not case-sensitive.
is the same as
Ignore accents and special characters
In French words for instance, the search function (suggestion and search) ignores accents on é, è, à, ù, ô, û, ê, î, ö, ë, ï, etc.
The search function ignores special characters & ” ’ ( ) § ! [ ] ^ % ; : / # € $ £ ¤ \ etc. It only takes into account alphanumeric characters.
PLEASE NOTE The @ character is considered as an alphanumeric character. Therefore, it is taken into account in the suggestion and search. |
Include or leave out words in your query
You can narrow your search down by using specific keywords (also called "Boolean operators"):
- NOT – in capital letters – to leave out some terms.
The search engine will find pages including Joanne-Kathleen, but not those with the term Doe.
- AND – in capital letters – to include all search terms in the results.
Fewer results will be displayed since they absolutely have to include both terms of the query Joanne-Kathleen and Doe.
The search engine works with AND by default.
Spaces left between words equal to AND: Joanne-Kathleen AND Jessica AND Doe is the same as Joanne-Kathleen Jessica Doe.
- OR – in capital letters – to display more results or results with more variety. Each result will match at least one of your criteria.
More results will be displayed. The search engine will find results including the term Joanne-Kathleen, other results with the term Doe, and pages with both terms.
Priority order of keywords
It is not possible to use brackets to constrain a query.
Therefore, the query is evaluated from left to right, as follows:
"A" AND "B" OR "C" is the same as ("A" AND "B") OR "C"
"A" OR "B" AND "C" is the same as "A" OR ("B" AND "C")
"A" AND "B" OR "C" AND "D" OR "E" is the same as ("A" AND "B") OR ("C" AND "D") OR "E"
Another example, to get the following query: ("A" OR "B") AND ("C" OR "D")
you should write "A" AND "C" OR "A" AND "D" OR "B" AND "C" OR "B" AND "D"
Search in a specific target field
The search is carried out on a target specified by the user. Each module has its own target fields (e.g.: list of the target fields of the Transaction module).
In the example above, the query only returns resources including Joanne-Kathleen in the list of users.
To narrow your search down, you can use keywords (AND, OR, NOT) to complete the search.
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