When clicking on MENU, a pane opens on the left side of your screen.
To exit the menu, simply click on the gray area to the right of the pane or on the cross at the top left of the pane.
HiPay Logo
When clicking on the HiPay logo, you are redirected to the HiPay Console dashboard.
Personal space
To access the personal space, click on your name.
The menu changes and 3 sub-menus are displayed:
- Settings
- Change password
- Sign out
The BACK TO MAIN MENU button enables you to exit the personal space.
This allows you to access your homepage, i.e. your activity dashboard.
Please note that the filters you apply to your dashboard are permanent until you remove them manually.
Therefore, when logging back on, your dashboard will be the same as when you signed out.
This gives you direct access to the transactions.
Click on “Search in transactions” to use the associated advanced search form.
Financial report
This gives you direct access to the financial operations.
Old interface
This gives you quick access to the former interface.
On the former interface, use the CONSOLE button in the navigation bar at the top of the screen to switch back to the HiPay Console.
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