In its header, the Account information sheet includes the following information.
On the left:
- the name of the merchant account,
- the period of time on which the KPIs are based.
In the center:
- the merchant account status,
- the KPIs of the merchant account.
On the right:
- a button that leads to the FULL VIEW (old interface),
- a button to organize sections.
Then, the information sheet includes an avatar and five sections.
The merchant’s avatar uses the image saved when creating their account. If no image was provided (optional field), the avatar is then automatically generated based on the account color attribute and the initials of the account name.
- ACCOUNT: Provides all the details of the merchant account (account name, business entity, URL with hyperlink, home country, etc.).
- SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT: Provides all the bank information for settlement. This section can display one or more bank accounts for settlement, depending on the number of bank account identification documents (RIB/IBAN) added when creating the merchant account (in the case of a split settlement). Each bank card is preceded by a bank account name (primary, secondary, etc.), also defined when creating the merchant account, which allows you to quickly differentiate between bank accounts.
- INVOICES: Provides all the information related to the merchant invoicing configuration (status, invoicing mode (auto/manual), currency, invoice email, interchange reimbursement, payment term and month-end payment). This section also displays the last 5 invoices of the merchant with a redirection to the Invoice module (bounce link).
- SETTLEMENTS: Provides all the information related to the settlements configuration (status, delay, settlement days, currency, frequency, starting date and threshold amount of settlements). This section also displays the last 5 settlements of the merchant with a redirection to the Financial report module (bounce link).
- RESERVE: Provides all the information related to the reserve configuration (duration and rolling reserve percentage).
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