When carrying out a search, you can display a statistics banner directly linked to the content displayed.
To display statistics:
- Click on the
Statistics icon to the right of the results bar.
- The menu offers to “Show the analysis banner”.
- The banner opens below it and the icon turns blue.
Depending on the size of your screen, some data will be hidden. To display them, simply click on the arrows on the left and right sides of the banner. When clicking on the arrows, data will scroll like a carrousel.
On your keyboard The tab key enables you to switch from one button to the other (menu, previous item, next item) and the space key enables you to trigger actions (opening the menu, scrolling to the right or to the left). |
Please note that as long as the statistics button is active, the banner remains open, even after logging out.
To hide statistics:
- Click on the
Statistics icon.
- The menu offers to “Hide the analysis banner”.
- When clicking on it, the banner closes itself and the icon turns back gray.
PLEASE NOTE Some modules do not display a statistics banner, or only under certain conditions. |
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