Here is a list of some of the terms used in HiPay Console.
If the term you are looking for is missing, please do not hesitate to write a comment. The HiPay Team will gladly answer your request.
Term used |
Definition |
Account | An account can only be associated with one business entity. Transactions, settlement currencies and invoicing are linked to the related merchant account. |
Acquirer | Bank or financial institution which processes for a merchant credits and/or debits relating to card payments for products or services. The acquirer represents the merchant within the payment schemes (Visa, Mastercard, etc.). |
Anti-fraud rule | An anti-fraud rule is a condition suggested by HiPay Sentinel which, if fulfilled by the reviewed transaction, will arouse suspicion on its fraudulent nature. A rule consists of a condition and an action, which is performed if the condition is fulfilled. A rule action can be an action to perform on the transaction or a score to apply to the global score of the transaction. Examples of conditions For a rule category, possible conditions may vary and could be: • “If the email address contains ‘yopmail’”, • “If the purchase is made between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.”, • “When the same user ID has been used with more than 10 different cards”. |
Business entity | The business entity is the highest entity which represents the customer’s identity. A business entity may contain one or several accounts. The term “Business” is often used. |
Capture | A transaction is captured when the acquirer or the financial institution has processed the payment and the customer has been debited. Total or partial captures can be done. Authorized transactions can be captured as long as the authorization has not expired. With certain payment methods, such as bank transfers or direct debits, transactions automatically and immediately reach the “Captured” status after being authorized. |
Challenged | A transaction is “challenged” when considered risky by HiPay Sentinel, our fraud prevention solution. This action is triggered by an anti-fraud rule set in the Fraud profile. |
Dashboard | Homepage of the interface displaying the merchant’s activity in the form of key numbers, tables and graphs. |
Filter chip | When using a filter in a search, it is displayed in a chip, which always comes with a deletion icon enabling to unfilter without having to go back to the search form. |
Fraud analyst | The fraud analyst is the person who, on the merchant’s side, checks transactions “To be reviewed” (status available through the HiPay Sentinel option). |
HiPay Sentinel | HiPay Fraud prevention solution |
Hosted Fields | To be able to benefit from the easiest PCI DSS compliance level (SAQ A), the payment fields of the payment page are securely hosted. HiPay generates an iFrame which manages the values entered in the payment fields (card number, CVV, expiry date, postal code, etc.). |
iFrame | iFrame is the name of an HTML tag which enables you to embed an HTML page in another HTML document. iFrame is short for inline frame. Among other things, the iFrame tag gives the possibility to insert elements from another server in a web page without users noticing. It is particularly used for the online help window available at the bottom right of each HiPay Console page. |
Navigation bar | Bar featured at the top of all HiPay Console pages to access the main menu, do a quick search or select an account, at any time. |
Operator | An operator is a symbol or a word comparing the value of a field on its left with one or several values on its right to ensure that the query only returns true results. |
Payment means | A payment means combines a payment brand with a payment method (e.g.: Visa credit card = Visa + credit card). |
Payment method | Payment instrument available to customers, enabling to make operations (debits or credits) on their account. Payment methods include: bank cards, cheques, direct debits, transfers, interbank payment orders, e-wallets, cash, etc. |
Rule action | In the case of HiPay Sentinel, a rule action is the action performed on the transaction if an anti-fraud rule is triggered. These actions can be: • Ask for 3-D Secure: If the payment means as well as the acquiring connection (Provider-Acquirer) and the ECI (Electronic Commerce Indicator, which defines the specificities of the customer’s payment process) used by the transaction allow it, customers will then be redirected to a page enabling them to enter authentication information linked to their payment means. • Force 3-D Secure: If the payment means, the acquiring connection and the ECI used by the transaction all allow it, the customer will have to go through authentication via a 3-D Secure authentication page. In case of unsuccessful authentication, the transaction will be rejected. • Challenged: The transaction has been detected as potentially fraudulent and will be reviewed by a fraud analyst who will decide if it can go through processing or not. • Block: The transaction is blocked and cannot go through processing. • Override other rules: Unlike the others, this action enables to directly accept a transaction when other anti-fraud rules might be triggered to block it. If a transaction triggers several anti-fraud rules and if one of the actions is OVERRIDE OTHER RULES, then the transaction will be accepted, regardless of the other rules that have been triggered. • Nothing (0): This action means that if the transaction fulfills the related condition, nothing will be triggered: the related rule is inactive, which is the same as disabling the rule directly on the interface. Depending on the category of the anti-fraud rule created, all actions are not necessarily available. |
Score |
When a rule is created in HiPay Sentinel, it can be assigned a score rather than one of the actions described here. A score is in fact a fully-fledged action. For a transaction score to have some impact, a rule on the final score must be created, which then enables to define the action to perform based on the score level.
Sentinel fraud profile | A HiPay Sentinel fraud profile is a set of anti-fraud rules applied on transactions from the related business or account. An account can be linked to a fraud profile and a fraud profile can be linked to several accounts. Some rules can be implemented based on all the transactions of all accounts of the same business. To do so, you must enable the “Fraud by business” option. This option involves the following rules: • Velocity rules, • Spending limit rules, • Activity rules. The concept of fraud profile is closely related to the concepts of account and business. When creating a fraud profile, it can be linked to a business, which then has its own catalog of fraud profiles, from which business accounts will be able to choose. |
Snackbar |
Small window opening at the bottom left of the screen when an action is completed. It enables to confirm the action and, in some cases, to undo it with the CANCEL button. When an action is being performed, it allows to follow its process even if you change pages. It turns green when the action went well. It turns red when the action led to an error. You then have to click on the cross on the right to close it. |
Sticker | Incremental indicator on the HiPay Console interface (e.g.: the results sticker indicates the number of lines in a search result). |
Widget store | Page showcasing all available widgets based on individual access privileges. |
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