Service endpoints
There are two endpoints (base URLs) to which you can make your API calls:
- Stage, if you are testing your integration,
- and Production, when you have finished testing and want your application to go live.
Environment |
Endpoint |
Stage |
Production |
Request parameters
To create a Klarna transaction on the HiPay Enterprise Payment Gateway, you must send these mandatory/complementary parameters in your transaction creation call.
(For further details, please refer to the technical documentation.)
Format abbreviation |
Description |
AN |
Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) |
A |
Alphabetic characters only (a-z, A-Z) |
N |
Numeric characters only |
JavaScript Object Notation |
Field name |
Format |
Req. |
Description |
operation |
A |
M |
Choose the value: “authorization” |
payment_product |
AN |
M |
Payment product In the case of Klarna: “klarnainvoice” |
basket |
M |
Shopping cart details Please refer to “HiPay Enterprise – Payment Gateway – Shopping cart management” technical documentation. |
language |
AN |
M |
Locale code of your customer Klarna invoice is only available in Germany through HiPay. Therefore, the value must be “de_DE”. |
country |
A |
M |
Country code of the customer This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2). Klarna invoice is only available in Germany through HiPay. Therefore, the value must be “DE”. |
gender |
A |
M |
Gender of the customer (M = male, F = female) |
birthdate |
N |
M |
Date of birth of the customer (YYYYMMDD) Example: 19771215 |
firstname |
AN |
M |
Customer’s first name |
lastname |
AN |
M |
Customer’s last name |
streetaddress |
AN |
M |
Street name of the customer’s address Example: Hellersbergstraße |
house_number |
N |
M |
House number of the customer’s address |
zipcode |
N |
M |
Zip or postal code of the customer, 5 numbers max. Example: 41460 |
city |
AN |
M |
Customer’s city |
msisdn |
N |
M |
Customer’s phone number, 15 numbers max. Example: 0152211335 |
AN |
M |
Customer’s email address |
ipaddr |
AN |
M |
IPv4 address of the purchasing customer |
"email": "",
"eci": "7",
"gender": "M",
"firstname": "john",
"lastname": "doe",
"birthdate": "19771215",
"streetaddress": "Hellersbergstraße",
"zipcode": "41460",
"city": "Neuss",
"house_number": 14,
"msisdn": "0152211335",
"description": "This is the description of my order",
"ipaddr": "",
"currency": "EUR",
"payment_product": "klarnainvoice",
"orderid": "578cdb0fda266",
"language": "de_DE",
"country": "DE",
"amount": "52.99",
"basket": [
"european_article_numbering": "4711892728946",
"product_reference": "NF-a1690",
"name": "My first product",
"type": "good",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 8.99,
"discount": 0,
"tax_rate": "8.20",
"total_amount": 8.99
"european_article_numbering": "4713716322385",
"product_reference": "NF-a0351",
"name": "My second product",
"type": "good",
"quantity": 4,
"unit_price": 10.5,
"discount": -2.5,
"tax_rate": "20",
"total_amount": 39.5
"product_reference": "SHIP-e23a6",
"name": "Shippingfees",
"type": "fee",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 10,
"discount": 0,
"tax_rate": "0",
"total_amount": 10
"product_reference": "DISC-00f5a",
"name": "Birthdaygift",
"type": "discount",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 0,
"discount": -5.5,
"tax_rate": "0",
"total_amount": -5.5
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