Languages supported by our Identification services
Our Identification services can process documents in the following languages:
French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, German and Russian.
A certified translation in English or French must be provided for KYC/KYB documents in any other language.
Accepted countries for sellers
We only accept sellers established in the European Union, the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom. In any case, requests for entry into relationships with sellers established in countries subject to international financial sanctions can be rejected.
Please note that we reserve the right not to accept countries based on our risk procedures.
For further information, please contact your HiPay account manager.
Required documents for sellers established outside of French territory
The same KYC/KYB documents that sellers established on French territory must provide are required.
You just need to ask your sellers to provide KYC/KYB equivalents specific to their country (e.g.: an IBAN instead of a “RIB”).
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