Before submitting your website for validation, please check that all the following sections are displayed and complete.
General terms and conditions of use:
This section (and/or the “Legal notice” section) must clearly indicate the name, registration number, address and contact information of the company (email address and phone number displayed in the “Contact us” section).
The General terms and conditions of use must explicitly set out your obligations as well as those of your website visitors/customers.
Legal notice:
This section can be included in the “General terms and conditions of use” section and must clearly indicate the name, registration number, address and contact information of the company (email address and phone number displayed in the “Contact us” section).
Policy on personal data protection:
This section must notably bring to the attention of the persons concerned all the information required by the GDPR.
Refund policy:
This section (separated from or included in the “General terms and conditions of use” section) must explain to customers how to get a refund/return a product.
Cancellation policy:
This section (separated from or included in the “General terms and conditions of use” section) must inform customers of the 14-day time frame to exercise their right of withdrawal according to European regulations.
Applicable law:
This section must clearly indicate which law governs the General terms and conditions of use, and which law applies in case of dispute.
Terms of payment:
This section must clearly indicate the accepted payment means and specific conditions, if any.
Terms of shipping and delivery (in case of physical goods):
This section must clearly indicate shipping and delivery conditions (e.g.: delivery time and costs).
Contact us:
This section must provide a phone number and an email address/contact form for Customer support.
Customers must be able to expressly accept the general terms and conditions of sale when creating an account or directly on the payment page (before any payments) by ticking a checkbox with a link to the general terms and conditions of sale.
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