To pay with Oney, you can choose between multiple payment products:
- 3xcb (France, Belgium, Italy, Spain),
- 3xcb-no-fees (France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal),
- 4xcb (France, Italy, Spain),
- 4xcb-no-fees (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal),
- credit-long (payment with more monthly installments).
Additionally, the Pay Later Oney solution is also available and allows you to pay 30, 60 or 90 days after your purchase. To use Pay Later Oney, you need to choose between any of the five abovementioned products, then select Pay Later Oney.
Please note that if Pay Later Oney is selected, the payment_product_parameters field (see the table below) becomes mandatory.
For further assistance, please contact your technical account manager.
Service endpoints
There are two endpoints (base URLs) to which you can make your API calls:
- Stage, if you are testing your integration,
- and Production, when you have finished testing and want your application to go live.
Environment | Endpoint |
Stage | |
Production | |
Request parameters
To create a 3x 4x Oney transaction on the HiPay Enterprise Payment Gateway, you must send these mandatory/complementary parameters in your transaction creation call.
(For further details, please refer to the technical documentation.)
Format abbreviation |
Description |
A |
Alphabetic characters only (a-z, A-Z) |
AN |
Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) |
N |
Numeric characters only |
R |
Decimal number with explicit decimal point, signed |
JavaScript Object Notation |
Field name |
Format |
Length |
Req. |
Description |
orderid |
AN |
M |
operation |
A |
M |
payment_product |
AN |
M |
Payment product You can choose between:
Pay Later Oney is available with any of the five abovementioned products. |
description |
AN |
50 |
M |
currency |
A |
3 |
E.g.: EUR |
amount |
R |
15,2 |
M |
Use decimal point as separator |
cid |
AN |
8 |
M | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
language |
AN |
E.g.: fr_FR |
AN |
M |
phone |
N |
M |
birthdate |
AN |
gender |
A |
M |
Gender of the customer (M = male, F = female, U = unknown) |
firstname |
AN |
32 |
M |
Customer’s first name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lastname |
AN |
32 |
M |
Customer’s last name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
streetaddress |
AN |
38 |
M |
Customer’s billing address | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
streetaddress2 |
AN |
38 |
Additional information for the customer’s billing address (e.g.: building, floor, flat, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
city |
AN |
32 |
M |
City of the customer’s billing address | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
zipcode |
N |
10 |
M |
Postal code of the customer’s billing address
country |
AN |
3 |
M |
Country code of the customer’s billing address This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2). |
msisdn |
N |
ipaddrr |
AN |
shipto_firstname |
AN |
32 |
M |
First name of the order’s recipient | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shipto_lastname |
AN |
32 |
M |
Last name of the order’s recipient | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shipto_gender |
A |
1 |
M |
Gender of the order’s recipient (M = male, F = female, U = unknown) |
shipto_phone |
N |
Phone number of the recipient:
shipto_msisdn |
N |
Mobile phone number of the recipient:
shipto_streetaddress |
AN |
38 |
M |
Recipient’s shipping address (e.g.: relay parcel address, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shipto_streetaddress2 |
AN |
38 |
Additional information for the recipient’s shipping address (e.g.: relay parcel name, building, floor, flat, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shipto_city |
AN |
32 |
M |
City of the recipient’s shipping address | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shipto_zipcode |
N |
10 |
M |
Postal code of the recipient’s shipping address:
shipto_country |
AN |
3 |
M |
Country code of the recipient’s shipping address This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2). |
eci |
N |
1: MO/TO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) 2: MO/TO - Recurring 7: E-commerce with SSL/TLS Encryption 9: Recurring E-commerce |
order_category_code |
N |
4 |
M |
Order category list:
delivery_date |
AN |
10 |
M |
Estimated delivery date YYYY-MM-DD |
delivery_method |
M |
Delivery method mode & shipping Here are the accepted values:
carrier_description |
A |
Description of the carrier 130 alphanumeric characters, only comprised of a-zA-Z0-9 characters and unencoded accented characters. Encoded characters (e.g.: ') and special characters (e.g.: &, #, |, etc.) are not allowed. |
accept_url |
AN |
M |
Mandatory if not configured in the back office |
decline_url |
AN |
M |
Mandatory if not configured in the back office |
exception_url |
AN |
M |
Mandatory if not configured in the back office |
cancel_url |
AN |
M |
Mandatory if not configured in the back office |
basket |
M |
Shopping cart details Please refer to "HiPay Enterprise – Payment Gateway – Shopping cart management" technical documentation. product_category:
payment_product_parameters |
Promotional code provided by Oney (e.g.: "merchant_promotion":"AT011") Mandatory if Pay Later Oney is selected. |
Request example
"email": "",
"cid": "1234567",
"eci": "7",
"gender": "M",
"firstname": "john",
"lastname": "doe",
"birthdate": "19771215",
"streetaddress": "Rue de la Paix",
"zipcode": "75001",
"city": "Paris",
"msisdn": "0152211335",
"description": "This is the description of my order",
"ipaddr": "",
"currency": "EUR",
"payment_product": "3xcb-no-fees",
"orderid": "578cdb0fda266",
"language": "fr_FR",
"country": "FR",
"amount": "250.50",
"shipto_gender": "M",
"shipto_firstname": "john",
"shipto_lastname": "doe",
"shipto_phone": "0152211335",
"shipto_msisdn": "0152211335",
"order_category_code": "5734",
"delivery_date": "2017-12-31",
"carrier_description":"click & collect",
"basket": [
"product_category": "8",
"product_reference": "NF-a0351",
"name": "My second product",
"type": "good",
"quantity": 4,
"unit_price": 10.5,
"discount": -2.5,
"tax_rate": "20",
"total_amount": 39.5
API response
This service creates an order and returns a forward URL. This forward URL is dedicated to display a 3x 4x Oney payment page. After payment form validation, the checkout is processed and the user is being returned to your website.
(For further details, please refer to the technical documentation.)
Response example
<message>Authentication requested</message>
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