Service endpoints
Environment | Endpoint |
Stage |
Production |
Request parameters
Field name | Format | Length | Description |
wsLogin | AN | 32 | Your API Web service login. Find it in the HiPay Professional back office > Toolbox section. |
wsPassword | AN | 32 | Your API Web service password. Find it in the HiPay Professional back office > Toolbox section. |
categoryId | N | 11 | The order or product categories are attached to, and depend upon, the merchant site’s category. Depending on the category that is associated with the site, the categories that are available to the order and products will NOT be the same. You can obtain the list of order and product category IDs for the merchant site at these URLs. Production platform:[production websiteID] Stage platform:[stage websiteID] |
websiteId | N | 11 | ID of the website created on merchants’ account. |
currency | A | 3 | The currency specified in your HiPay Professional account. This three-character currency code complies with ISO 4217. |
amount | R | - | The total order amount. It should be calculated as a sum of the items purchased, plus the shipping fees (if present), plus the tax fees (if present). |
rating | AN | 3 | Age category of your order. Accepted values: +12: For ages 13 and over +16: For ages 16 and over +18: For ages 18 and over ALL: For all ages |
locale | AN | 5 | Locale code of your customer (default to en_GB – English – Great Britain). It may be used for sending confirmation emails to your customer or for displaying payment pages. Examples: en_GB fr_FR es_ES it_IT |
customerIpAddress | AN | 15 | IP address of your customer making a purchase |
executionDate | AN | 32 |
Date and time of execution of the payment in MySQL DATETIME format (Y-m-dTH:i:s). E.g.: 2014-12-25T10:57:55 |
manualCapture | N | 1 | Indicates how you want to process the payment. 0: indicates transaction is sent for authorization, and if approved, is automatically submitted for capture. 1: indicates this transaction is sent for authorization only. The transaction will not be sent for settlement until the transaction is submitted for capture manually by the merchant. |
description | AN | 255 | Short description of the order |
customerEmail | AN | 32 | Customer’s email address |
urlCallback | AN | 255 | The URL will be used by our server to send you information in order to update your database. Please refer to the “Server-to-Server notification” section. |
urlAccept | AN | 255 | The URL to return your customers to once the payment process is completed successfully. |
urlDecline | AN | 255 | The URL to return your customers to after the acquirer declines the payment. |
urlCancel | AN | 255 | The URL to return your customers to when they decide to abort the payment. |
urlLogo | AN | 255 | This URL is where the logo you want to appear on your payment page is located. Important: HTTPS protocol is required. |
merchantReference | AN | 255 | Merchants’ order reference. |
merchantComment | AN | 255 | Merchants’ comment concerning the order. |
emailCallback | AN | 255 | Email used by HiPay Professional to post operation notifications. |
freedata | AN | - | Custom data. You may use these parameters to submit values you wish to receive back in the API response messages or in the notifications. E.g.: you can use these parameters to get back session data, order content or user info. |
Full PHP example:
// STEP 1 : soap flow options
$options = array(
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8'
// STEP 2 : Soap client initialization
$client = new SoapClient('', $options);
// STEP 3 : Soap call on confirm method of manual-capture webservice
$result = $client->generate(array('parameters'=>array(
'wsLogin' => 'YOUR wsLogin',
'wsPassword' => 'YOUR wsPassword',
'categoryId' => 'xxx',
'websiteId' => 'YOUR websiteID',
'description' => 'Test HiPay',
'currency' => 'EUR',
'amount' => '',
'rating' => '',
'locale' => 'fr_FR',
'customerIpAddress' => '',
'manualCapture' => '0',
'executionDate' => '',
'customerEmail' => '',
'urlCallback' => '',
'urlAccept' => '',
'urlDecline' => '',
'urlCancel' => '',
'urlLogo'=> '',
'merchantReference' => 'test-123'
// STEP 4 : Response
$url = $result->generateResult->redirectUrl;
echo "<br/><a href='".$url."' target='_blank'>Open page</a>";
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