1.1. Implement the JavaScript SDK
First of all, please implement the SDK thanks to our technical documentation on our Developer Portal:
1.2. Testing
Setting API credentials
Do not forget to create API credentials with public visibility from the HiPay Enterprise back office > Integration > Security settings.
Using test cards
1.3. Request tokenization
Parameter | Description |
cardHolder string required
Cardholder’s name as it appears on the card |
cardNumber string required
Card number, with a 12- to 19-digit length |
expiryMonth string required
Card expiry month, expressed with two digits (e.g.: 01) |
expiryYear string required
Card expiry year, expressed with two digits (e.g.: 22) |
cvc string |
3- or 4-digit security code (called CVC2, CVV2 or CID depending on the card brand) as it appears on the credit card |
multiUse boolean optional
Indicates if the token should be generated either for a single use or for multiple uses. While a single-use token is typically generated for a short time and for processing a single transaction, multi-use tokens are generally generated for recurring payments. |
1.4. Retrieve the content of the response
JavaScript response example:
"payment_product": "cb",
"token": "239495508d3713cb8a0d922b4c9f74599ce69e2334a2b03e33f484d546f71e8b",
"request_id": "0",
"card_id": "33e3ffbb-f69c-4f51-ba40-e87e8acc961b",
"brand": "VISA",
"pan": "448412xxxxxx0029",
"card_holder": "JANE DOE",
"card_expiry_month": "05",
"card_expiry_year": "2024",
"issuer": "BNP PARIBAS",
"country": "FR",
"domestic_network": "cb",
"card_type": "CREDIT",
"card_category": "PURCHASING",
"forbidden_issuer_country": false,
"device_fingerprint": "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",
"browser_info": {
"java_enabled": false,
"javascript_enabled": true,
"language": "fr-FR",
"color_depth": "24",
"screen_height": 1080,
"screen_width": 1920,
"timezone": "-120",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36",
"ipaddr": "",
"http_accept": ""
1.5. Save specific values in your database to make the payment
Please note: Maestro and Bancontact are not compatible with recurring and one-click payments.
In the API response, you will receive the card information, including the card token. You should save the following data in your database:
Field name | Description | Format | Values / Example |
payment_product |
Payment product used to complete the transaction (e.g.: cb, bcmc, paypal) |
Alpha (16) |
cb | american-express | bcmc | paypal |
token | Card token. If you tokenize several times a same card you will have each time different token | Alphanumeric (64) | 2fdba6f38bff7bde0418752759d4ea0533aeca42babf1b2d1d9f7f6f9394e959 |
card_id | Unique ID of the token | Alphanumeric (36) | 33e3ffbb-f69c-4f51-ba40-e87e8acc961b |
brand | Card brand | Alpha (16) | VISA | MASTERCARD | MAESTRO | AMERICAN EXPRESS | CB | BCMC |
pan |
Card number. Please note that, due to PCI DSS security standards, our system has to mask credit card numbers in any output. |
Alphanumeric (19) | 448412xxxxxx0029 |
card_holder | Cardholder's name | Alpha (-) | JOHN DOE |
card_expiry_month | Card expiry month (2 digits) | Numeric (2) | 11 |
card_expiry_year | Card expiry year (4 digits) | Numeric (4) | 2024 |
issuer |
Card issuing bank name Do not rely on this value to remain static over time. Bank names may change due to acquisitions and mergers. |
Alpha (-) | BNP PARIBAS |
country |
Bank country code where the card was issued This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 |
Alpha (2) | FR |
domestic_network | Domestic network of the card. E.g.: "cb" for France, "bcmc" for Belgium | Alpha (4) | cb | bcmc |
card_type | Card type | Alpha (6) | CREDIT | DEBIT |
card_category | Card category | Alpha (10) | PURCHASING | VIRTUAL | PREPAID |
Then, after integrating the SDK, in order to use the token you received, you have to call the /order API within one minute.
2.1. Requirements
Environment | Endpoint |
Stage |
Production |
Create API credentials with private visibility from the HiPay Enterprise back office > Integration > Security settings.
2.2. Request parameters
Format abbreviation
Description | |
AN | Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) |
A | Alphabetic characters only (a-z, A-Z) |
N | Numeric characters only |
R | Decimal number with explicit decimal point, signed |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
Field name | Format | Description |
orderid | AN (32) | ID of the order |
operation | A | Set one of the following values: Sale = debits the customer immediately Authorization = only requests authorization. Then, you will have to ask for the capture (debit) of the transaction. |
eci | N (1) [string] |
Set one of the following values: 1 (for call center and payment link by email) 7 (for the first payment) |
authentication_indicator | N (1) |
If the payment product is a credit or debit card, this parameter indicates if the 3-D Secure authentication should be performed for this transaction. 0: Bypass 3-D Secure authentication. 1: 3-D Secure authentication if available. 2: 3-D Secure authentication mandatory. For more information about the 3-D Secure workflow, check the HiPay Enterprise Overview. |
description | AN (128) | Short description of the order |
long_description | AN | Additional description of the order |
soft_descriptor | AN | Description of the banking operation as it will appear in the client's banking application |
payment_product | AN (255) | Please check the list of alternative payment methods |
cardtoken | AN | This parameter is specific to credit or debit card payments. |
currency | A (3) | Base currency for the order (default to EUR) This three-character currency code complies with ISO 4217. |
amount | R | Order total amount |
shipping | R |
Shipping fees for the order (default to zero) Can be omitted if the shipping fees value is zero. |
tax | R | Tax amount for the order (default to zero) Can be omitted if the tax amount value is zero. |
tax_rate | R | Tax rate for the order |
custom_data | JSON |
You can use this parameter to submit custom values you wish to show in HiPay's back office transaction details, to receive back in the API response messages and in the notifications or to activate specific anti-fraud rules. |
Field name | Format | Description |
AN | Customer's email address | |
phone | AN |
Customer's phone number |
birthdate | N (8) |
Customer's birthdate (YYYYMMDD) For fraud detection purposes |
gender | A (1) |
Gender of the customer: M = male |
firstname | AN |
Customer's first name |
lastname | AN | Customer's last name |
streetaddress | AN | Customer's street address |
streetaddress2 | AN |
Additional address information of the customer (e.g.: building, floor, flat, etc.) |
city | AN | Customer's city |
state | AN | State of the country |
zipcode | AN | Zip or postal code of the customer |
country | A (2) |
Country code of the customer This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2). |
shipto_firstname | AN | First name of the order's recipient |
shipto_lastname | AN | Last name of the order's recipient |
shipto_streetaddress | AN | Street address where the order is to be shipped |
shipto_streetaddress2 | AN | Additional information about the street address where the order is to be shipped (e.g.: building, floor, flat, etc.) |
shipto_city | AN | City where the order is to be shipped |
shipto_state | AN | State where the order is to be shipped |
shipto_zipcode | AN | Zip or postal code where the order is to be shipped |
shipto_country | A (2) |
Country code where the order is to be shipped This two-letter country code complies with ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2). |
ipaddr | AN | Customer's IP address |
cid | AN | Unique customer ID |
accept_url | AN | URL to redirect your customers to once the payment process is completed successfully |
decline_url | AN | URL to redirect your customers to after the acquirer has declined the payment |
pending_url | AN | URL to redirect your customers to when the payment request has been submitted to the acquirer, but the response is not available yet |
exception_url | AN | URL to redirect your customers to after a system failure |
cancel_url | AN | URL to redirect your customers to when they decide to abort the payment |
Full PHP example:
$data = array(
// 1. Order information
"orderid"=> "HP".rand(microtime(0),100000),
"description"=> "produit test 01",
"long_description"=> "produit test 01 description complète",
"payment_product"=> "visa",
"cardtoken"=> "09a7c8e86a77e45630a09051146d133319ba90a01f37fbd41261dd05008fcd5a",
"eci"=> "7",
"authentication_indicator"=> "1", // 3DS
"operation"=> "sale",
"currency"=> "EUR",
"amount"=> 100,
"shipping"=> 10,
"tax"=> 15,
"tax_rate"=> 15,
"shipping_method":"click and collect",
"products_list": "First product, Second product",
"_reporting_data_1":"my custom data 1",
"_reporting_data_2":"my custom data 2",
"_reporting_data_3":"my custom data 3",
"_reporting_data_4":"my custom data 4",
"_reporting_data_5":"my custom data 5"
// 2. Customer information
"email"=> "jane.doe@test.com",
"phone"=> "01234567890",
"birthdate"=> "19890525",
"gender"=> "f",
"firstname"=> "Jane",
"lastname"=> "Doe",
"streetaddress"=> "10 rue de la facturation",
"streetaddress2"=> "Bâtiment A",
"city"=> "Paris",
"country"=> "FR",
"zipcode"=> "75012",
"shipto_firstname"=> "Jane",
"shipto_lastname"=> "Doe",
"shipto_streetaddress"=> "20 rue de la livraison",
"shipto_streetaddress2"=> "Bâtiment B",
"shipto_city"=> "Paris",
"shipto_zipcode"=> "75012",
"shipto_country"=> "FR",
"ipaddr"=> "",
"cid"=> "123456",
"accept_url"=> "https://example.com/accept",
"decline_url"=> "https://example.com/decline",
"pending_url"=> "https://example.com/pending",
"exception_url"=> "https://example.com/exception",
"cancel_url"=> "https://example.com/cancel",
//PSD2 information
"account_info"=> "{
'customer': {
'account_change': 20180507,
'opening_account_date': 20180507,
'password_change': 20180507,
'purchase': {
'count': 2,
'card_stored_24h': 0,
'payment_attempts_24h': 0,
'payment_attempts_1y': 0
'payment': {
'enrollment_date': 20180507
'shipping': {
'shipping_used_date': 20180507,
'name_indicator': 1,
'suspicious_activity': 1
"device_channel"=> 2,
"browser_info"=> "{
'java_enabled': true,
'javascript_enabled': true,
'ipaddr': '',
'http_accept': '*/*',
'http_user_agent': 'Mozilla/4.0',
'language': 'fr',
'color_depth': '1',
'screen_height': 0,
'screen_width': 0,
'timezone': '300'
"previous_auth_info"=> "{
'transaction_reference': '987654321CBA'
"merchant_risk_statement"=> "{
'email_delivery_address': 'jane.doe@test.com',
'delivery_time_frame': 1,
'purchase_indicator': 1,
'pre_order_date': 20190925,
'reorder_indicator': 1,
'shipping_indicator': 1,
'gift_card': {
'amount': 15,
'count': 1,
'currency': 'EUR' }
"recurring_info"=> "{
'expiration_date': 20200318,
'frequency': 31
The response API is useful to redirect the customer after he paid on the right page (accept, decline, pending, exception) of your website.
JSON API response example:
"cardHolder":"TEST HIPAY",
Field name | Description |
forwardUrl | URL to redirect the customer (for Bancontact or 3DS authentication) |
state | Transaction state. The value must be from the following list: - completed - pending - declined - error For further details, please refer to the Transaction workflow section. |
reason - code - message |
Optional element. Reason why the transaction was declined. Possible decline reasons can be found in the Decline reasons and error codes section. |
test | True if the transaction is a test transaction; otherwise false |
mid | Your merchant account number (issued to you by HiPay Enterprise) |
attempt_id | Attempt ID of the payment |
authorization_code | Authorization code (up to 35 characters) generated for each approved or pending transaction by the acquiring provider |
transaction_reference | Unique identifier of the transaction |
Date when the transaction was created |
Date when the transaction was last updated |
Date when the transaction was authorized |
Transaction status. A list of possible statuses can be found in the Transaction statuses section. |
Transaction message |
Transaction amount |
Captured amount |
Refunded amount |
Decimal precision of the transaction amount |
Base currency for the transaction. This three-character currency code complies with ISO 4217. |
IP address of the customer making the purchase |
Country code associated to the customer’s IP address |
Unique identifier assigned to the device (the customer’s browser) by HiPay |
Result of the Address Verification Service (AVS) Possible AVS result codes can be found in the Address Verification Service section. |
Result of the CVC (Card Verification Code) check Possible CVC result codes can be found in the Card Verification Code section. |
Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) Possible ECIs can be found in the Electronic Commerce Indicator section. |
Payment product used to complete the transaction. Informs about the payment_method section type. Possible payment products can be found in the Payment products section. |
For further details, please refer to the Response fields specific to the payment product section. |
three_d_secure - eci - enrollment_status - enrollment_message - authentication_status - authentication_message - authentication_token - xid |
Optional element. Result of the 3-D Secure authentication. - 3-D Secure (3DS) Electronic Commerce Indicator - Enrollment status - Enrollment message - Authentication status - This field is only included if payment authentication was attempted and a value was received. - Authentication message. This field is only included if payment authentication was attempted and a value was received. - Value generated by the card issuer as a token to prove that the cardholder was successfully authenticated. - Unique transaction identifier generated by the payment server on behalf of the merchant to identify the 3-D Secure transaction. |
fraud_screening - scoring - result - review |
Fraud screening result Total score assigned to the transaction (main risk indicator) Overall result of risk assessment returned by the payment gateway The value must be from the following list: - pending : rules have not been checked- accepted : the transaction has been accepted- blocked : the transaction has been rejected due to reviewing system rules- challenged : the transaction has been flagged for review.Decision made when the overall risk result returns challenged. An empty value means that no review is required. The value must be from the following list: - pending: a decision to release or cancel the transaction is pending - allowed: the transaction has been released for processing - denied: the transaction has been cancelled |
order - Id - dateCreated - attempts - amount - shipping - tax - decimals - currency - customer_id - language - email |
Information about the customer and their order: - Unique identifier of the order as provided by the merchant - Time when the order was created - Indicates how many payment attempts have been made for this order - Total order amount (e.g.: 150.00). It should be calculated as the sum of purchased items, plus shipping fees (if present) and tax (if present). - Order shipping fees - Order tax amount - Decimal precision of the order amount - Base currency for this order. This three-character currency code complies with ISO 4217. - Unique identifier of the customer as provided by the merchant - Language code of the customer - Email address of the customer |
operation - type - id - reference - amount - currency - date |
If a maintenance operation was requested and an operation_id value was sent. - Type of last operation - Operation ID sent in maintenance operation - HiPay’s Operation reference - Operation amount - Operation currency - Operation date |
To consider an accepted payment, it is appropriate to rely on the server-to-server notification containing the following values:
message=Partially captured
You can receive the server-to-server notification in:
- POST "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format
Server-to-server POST notification example:
0 comentário
Artigo fechado para comentários.